Thursday, July 7, 2011

comm 1 assignment o5-o7-11


The writer jotted down similar occurrences on describing how people are interested to know how much calories  are contained in a given amount of food items we choose to take. He provided definition of certain words in his article. He also gave the proper ways on how to measure one's ideal body weight (IBW), total calorie requirement (TCR), and gave examples on calculating the said measures. He stated facts about the calories of food and its effect on a person's body weight. He wrote some specific activities with its corresponding average burnt calories. There were also foods given with its equivalent retained calories based on its amount taken. A variety of concrete foods and drinks were sited, which are in fact the eatables and beverages that are mostly partaken by Filipinos.


In this article, the writer describes the food in India according to specific places. He/she wrote down how food is prepared in every part of the country. By just reading the description of the food and on how it is cooked, it can be imagined clearly since he/she sited distinct examples and ways on how it is set. In every region of India, the writer also provided known foods with definite depictions of each. He/she did not give general or broad examples of the foods so the readers can distinguish what the comestibles are like.


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